Sunday, January 26, 2014


Some newer ramblings

"Hey mama, we put lotion in our hair!"

Kid: "Mama, I know you're in the shower and you wanted some alone time, but I just wanted to talk to you. So...............what are you doing?"
Me: "Taking a shower"
Kid:  "Ok, I'll come check on you in 85 minutes."

"Mama, I didn't do foot did."

Reason # 8522 that we don't need another kid
"Hey mommy, I think we need a little sister."
"I don't, " said a very tired mommy as this conversation was happening at 6:30 in the morning after a harmonica had been played in her ear.
"But mommy, we wouldn't even have to feed her."

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Z: "Mom, you look as pretty as Peyton (daycare friend)
M: "No, she's not as pretty as Peyton. We need to put some bows in her hair first."

Many bows and barrettes later....

M: "Now you look as pretty as Peyton."

4 year old comments during 4th of July Fireworks

Hey, can we hit the road? 
Let's go get in the car.
Is it over?
Is this the last one? 
I really, really think we need to go get in the car. 
Let's go sit in the back of the car.
Ughhhhnnnhh. I just really want to go get in the car, no one else is watching these fireworks.

I don't think she was impressed. And, there were hundreds of people watching. The 2 and a half year old fell asleep during the fireworks. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013


M:"What did you eat?"
Me: "Nothing."
M: "Oh, it stinks over here. Hmm, it must be my breath. Those chicken nuggets must have made my breath stinky."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Disclaimer: poop reference

M: "Hey mommy, if you ever have a baby in your belly, and your tummy hurts, don't poop the baby out."